
记录片 其它 2007 

主演:Jeb Corliss,Karina Hollekim

导演:Jens Hoffmann


关键词:“落”极生悲免费在线观看 “落”极生悲高清完整版 “落”极生悲高清无删减观看 最新评分「10.0」“落”极生悲免费播放 “落”极生悲剧情简介

剧情:其他片《“落”极生悲》(又名:暂无)讲述了  Three things are certain about base jumping. You will break your bones. You will watch your friends die. And – if you do it long enough – it will eventually kill you. In this heady, testosterone-packed environment, adrenaline junkie Karina Hollekim is regarded as one of the best of the best. We follow Karina for several years as she hurls herself off increasingly treacherous cliffs in search of the ultimate high. But when tragedy strikes, will the rush have proved worth the price?

简介:《“落”极生悲》(又名:暂无)是由Jens Hoffmann 导演的一部其他片,“落”极生悲在其它首映,并在2007第一时间上映,主要演员有Jeb Corliss Karina Hollekim 等主演,新视觉影院为大家提供“落”极生悲全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,新视觉影院“落”极生悲现更新至HD。




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