
喜剧 奇幻 欧美剧 其它 2013 

主演:露西·弗莱,Amy Ruffle,柴·汉森,Ivy Latimer,Domini

导演:Evan Clarry,格兰特·布朗

关键词:人鱼秘境第一季免费在线观看 人鱼秘境第一季高清完整版 人鱼秘境第一季高清无删减观看 最新评分「10.0」人鱼秘境第一季免费播放 人鱼秘境第一季剧情简介

剧情:欧美剧《人鱼秘境第一季》(又名:美人鱼/Secret of Mako Island)讲述了  Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac wakes up discovering he has become a merman with a fish-like tail and the ability to control and manipulate water. His new-found merman abilities will cause problems for the mermaids.  The three mermaids, curious about living on land, are transformed into humans while in the moon pool during a full moon, now having the ability to live like humans.

简介:《人鱼秘境第一季》(又名:美人鱼/Secret of Mako Island)是由Evan Clarry 格兰特·布朗 导演的一部欧美剧,人鱼秘境第一季在其它首映,并在2013第一时间上映,主要演员有露西·弗莱 Amy Ruffle 柴·汉森 Ivy Latimer Dominic Deutscher Rowan Hills Kerith Atkinson Gemma Forsyth Brooke Nichole Lee 等主演,新视觉影院为大家提供人鱼秘境第一季全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,新视觉影院人鱼秘境第一季现更新至全26集。




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