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剧情 动作 冒险 美国剧 欧美剧 美国 2005 


主演:詹妮弗·加纳 朗·瑞弗金 迈克尔·瓦尔坦 

关键词:双面女间谍第五季免费在线观看 双面女间谍第五季高清完整版 双面女间谍第五季高清无删减观看 最新评分「8.0」双面女间谍第五季免费播放 双面女间谍第五季剧情简介

片名:《双面女间谍第五季》(又名:双面女间谍);年份:2005;语言地区:英语 / 法语美国;状态:完结;豆瓣平均分:8.0

正在播放:双面女间谍第五季第11集 | 播放器:天空播放 | 播放清晰度:超清 | 播放速度:流畅 | 版本:全集完整版 | 剧情:  Sidney Bristow is a college student who has an unusual job – she is a spy working for the CIA under secret conditions where not even her friends knows what she does. When her boyfriend proposes Sydney tells him what she does for a living and her employers kill him in line with procedures. Deciding to leave the agency before they kill her too Sydney discovers that she has actually been working for SD6, an agency that is actually a shadowy criminal organisation world-wide. Sydney joins the CIA and works as a double agent to help CIA Agent Vaughn to bring down SD6. She finds that her father is the other double agent within SD6 and the pair work together. While following her missions to uncover the work of the prophetic Rambaldi she must feed information back to the CIA without blowing her cover.




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